Saturday, December 10, 2005

Behold the Lamb


Let me begin by giving credit where credit is due. The prompting for this musing came from a devotional that one of our men led us through at a recent meeting.

In that meeting our attention was drawn to the third chapter of First John. Our brother highlighted the meaning of the word behold, in a very effective way. Last Lord's day morning we spent some time considering John the Baptist’s declaration “Behold, the Lamb of God…” so in preparation some of the comments from that earlier meeting came flooding back to mind.

Let me attempt to communicate some of those ideas. Beholding is what an antique collector does at an estate sale. Beholding is what a craftsman does when viewing a piece of furniture. Beholding is what a Surgeon does when performing a delicate surgery. Beholding is what a painter does when preparing to transfer the fleeting realities of life to a memorial on canvas. From these few examples we get the idea that beholding is far more intense than just a casual glance.

May God grant to those who preach and teach the Word tomorrow, the passion and ability to draw attention to the Lamb of God. May He enlighten those who “Behold the Lamb” as we open the Word today. May He richly bless those who “Behold the Lamb” in the days leading up to the celebration of the birth of our great Savior.


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