And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.
1 Samuel 30:6
Many who read this blog will not be surprised to know that I am absolutely convinced of the absolute sovereignty of God in all things. This divine control extends to what may be considered the mundane things of life. Consequently, I refuse to speak of mere coincidence or luck. (Some readers cannot believe that I even typed the word!)
In recent days, as well as through many years the Lord has orchestrated the events of our lives so that my wife and I have repeatedly come in contact with people who, in the course of service, have become weary in well doing. These servants of the Lord have felt the jabs of persecution and trials that come because of their obedience to Christ. As one would expect, as fellow believers, we have wept with those who wept and have sought to encourage them.
Thinking upon those situations brought me to consider the words of 1 Samuel 30:6, and the fact that David encouraged himself in the Lord his God. From that phrase we find several pointed lessons. First, we see that God’s grace is sufficient to bring encouragement in the most difficult situations. Second, while we recognize the importance of godly friends, we also acknowledge that encouragement must ultimately come from God. Thirdly, we realize that, as those who would be encouragers, we must be sure to point the weary to Him.
May we be able encouragers – pointing one another to the Great Shepherd of our souls!
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