Delay and Disappointment
Most who read this blog know that I am a hunter. Therefore you will not be surprised to read of my opinions concerning what is thrilling. One of the greatest sights in the all of creation is that of a good bird dog working a field to flush a pheasant. Bird hunters will know what I'm talking about. Those who do not hunt, or do not have a dog, will just have to take my word for it.
Monday afternoon provided another beautiful sight. My son and I went out for a late afternoon muzzle loader hunt. J. Dwight decided to make his way to his stand and I decided to try sneaking. Before anyone comments on someone my size trying to sneak, I need to tell you that the quietest man I have ever observed in the woods weighed at least 325 pounds. Try to imagine how startled you would be when all of a sudden, without a sound of warning, you turn around and there stands Pete, all 325 pounds of him. I did indeed sneak and was able to observe a nice buck about 200 yards away on neighboring property. I wasn't able to shoot because I did not have permission to hunt on the neighboring ground. Nevertheless, it was a beautiful sight to see that majestic animal walking with cautious confidence through the field. Truly God has given us a wonderful creation to enjoy for His glory.
I am an old fashioned hunter so I use a flint lock rifle. My children on the other hand are more modern and use in line muzzle loaders. There is an recognizable difference in the appearance of these firearms. My flintlock, a Pennsylvania long rifle, would remind you of Davey Crockett and Daniel Boone. My rifles that my children use look much like modern high powered rifles. But the function reveals more of a change than the looks. With my flintlock there is a considerable delay between pulling the trigger and the actual firing of the charge. In fact, sometimes the powder in the pan does not ignite the powder in the barrel. B.T.Y. - it is from that experience that we get our expression "a flash in the pan." With the in line rifles that delay is non existent.
There it is, I've finally gotten to the points that I want to make. Delay and Disappointment. How often is our response to the Lord's convicting work delayed? How much of our commitments are really little more than a flash in the pan? Lots of promise, a good spark followed by a sizzling flash, some smoke and then nothing but disappointment.
May God find us faithful to respond rightly, respond quickly, and to respond consistently to His leading.
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