Saturday, November 26, 2005

Texas Greetings

I am a incurrable traditionalist - I still wear the 50 year old hunting outfit that I received from my father. No, I'm not that old - he bought it as a young man over half a century ago.

This year has brought us a most un-traditional thanksgiving. As a family we opted to travel to Texas to see some friends from Seminary days. In the process we travelled from Albert Lea, MN to Wichita KS on Thanksgiving day. Thanksgiving dinner? TV Dinners in the microwave at the motel!! NOT the tradional turkey and trimmings.

The primary motivation is for J. Dwight Seiler to finally meet J. Dwight Pentecost. Young JD is 14 years old, and the elder JD is 90. We figure that if we wait another 14 years Dr. P. will still be teaching, but wanted to make sure the two get to meet this side of glory.

It is the fact that Dr. Pentecost is still actively serving the Lord by teaching at Dallas Seminary. Talk about, "By His Grace Alone". I realize that in our youth we speak rather boldly about the fact that we are never going to retire from the ministry. Then we look around and see the reality that the passing years take their toll upon the servant of the Lord as well as others. May the Lord give us grace to serve Him faithfully for His great glory, for many years. May He grant the strength and conviction to be faithful to Him through as many years as He gives.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Thanks for Grace

As I look toward tomorrow I am reminded of the many things that a fellow has to be thankful for. We can quickly compile a list far longer than our arms. In fact, we will spend eternity in praise and adoration of our great God - giving thanks - ans we will certainly never deplete the well of gratitude and thanks that is rightly His.

As I thank God for family and friends (like you); health and comforts; possessions and provisions I soon realize the danger of being attracted to the gifts while forgetting the Giver. This morning I want to be sure to keep the attention upon the Giver of every good and perfect gift - May that always be true in our lives.

This past Lord's day I had the opportunity to preach on Romans 6:17-18 - a few thoughts from that message - not the whole thing!

Notice that thanks is God ward - The Apostle writes "But God be thanked". Not that we should ever fail to express our gratitude and appreciation toward people. We are to declare our thankfulness and grateful to people and the things they do. However, it is imperative that we recall that it is from the hand of All Mighty God that these blessing flow and thus thanks belongs to Him. It is of particular interest to me that here in this section concerning salvation the Apostle is extremely careful to note that thanks belongs to God. Not to the Apostle Paul for taking the message across the Roman empire, not to the individual who may have led them to Christ, but to God who is the Author and Finisher of our Salvation.

I also noted how the word thanks ("charis" in the Greek) is most often translated "grace". Indeed thanksgiving is related to grace. It is grace that prompts thanksgiving. Grace deserves the giving of great thanks. It should not surprise us to find a wicked world without much in the way of expressing thanks and gratitude. It should shock us to find it so very scarce in the professing Christian community.

Paul then turns to the reasons for giving thanks and they are three fold. First, we notice that he speaks of the past condition of the believers in Rome. We read "ye were the servants of sin." I really like the KJV at points like this as we see the plural ye and know immediately that he is not addressing an individual but the group - they (the Roman Christians) were at a time in the past servants (slaves) of sin. Praise God for the blessed past tense "were". Second, we observe the note of their conversion as the Apostle writes "but ye obeyed from the heart...." Again, the plural is used - every one of the believers in Rome fell under that descriptive phrase - they had all been converted - there is no such thing as a Christian who has not been converted. The third thing of interest is verse 18 where the present life of the believers is highlighted. We read "Being then made free from sin ye became the servants of righteousness." Once more the plural "ye" is selected as the great truth of their present commitment is communicated. The text reminds me of John 10:27 where the Lord Jesus said "My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me." Romans 6:18 is the decription of sheep following the Great Shepherd.

This Thanksgiving I am thankful

For the fact that the Past is Past – I am no longer the servants of sin
For the reality of Conversion - Thanks Be to God for deliverance by and to the Truth
For the Assurance of Salvation- Praise God for the blessing of changed loyalty

May your Thanksgiving be filled with Thanks Giving to the Lord of Glory.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

By His Grace Alone

Giving Thanks

As I have prepared for our mid week Youth Ministry in recent weeks, I have found myself referring to Stephen Charnock's excellent two volume set on the Existence and Attributes of God. (I encourage all to read Charnock!)
I realize that the Attributes of God and Youth Ministry appear to be conflicting in the minds of many believers. Likewise, the idea of using something written in the 17th century with young people in the 21st century is unthinkable. Sadly, the philosophy of Youth Ministry embraced far too frequently is that which is akin to cotton candy. Lots of sugar and hot air and not much substance.
As we gaze towards Thanksgiving, I wish to declare my thanks....
For Our Lord who is worthy of our most diligent study and our deepest devotion.
For God's Word that never goes out of date and is always applicable.
For Godly Parents who teach their children the great truths of Scripture.
For Faithful Fellow Servants who labor together to bring glory to God.