Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The Immutability of Jesus Christ

This past Sunday evening we studied Hebrews 13:7-9. While verses 7 and 9 and not so widely known there are very few who are not at least somewhat familiar with verse 8. It is there that we read "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and forever." How does a mere man comunicate the great truth of the immutability of Christ? After attempting to do so - and that quite poorly - I was encouraged to come across the following by Jonathan Edwards.

"You may greatly comfort yourself that you have an unchangeable friend in Christ Jesus. Constancy is justly looked upon as a most necessary and most desirable qualification in a friend; that he be not fickle, and so that his friendship cannot be depended on as that of a steady sure friend. How excellent his friendship is you may learn from his manner of treating his disciples on earth, whom he graciously treated as a tender father his children; meekly instructing them, most friendlily conversing with them, and being ready to pity them, and help them, and forgive their infirmities. And then you may consider this doctrine, and how it thence appears that he is the same still that he was then, and ever will be the same.
From the unchangeableness of your Savior, you may be assured of your continuance in a state of grace. As to yourself, you are so changeable, that, if left to yourself, you would soon fall utterly away; there is no dependence on your unchangeableness; but Christ is the same, and therefore, when he has begun a good work in you he will finish it; as he has been the author, he will be the finisher of your faith. Your love to Christ is in itself changeable; but his to you is unchangeable, and therefore he will never suffer your love to him utterly to fail. The apostle gives this reason why the saints' love for Christ cannot fail, viz., that his love to them can never fail."


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