Nothing Else Will Do
Charles Feinberg wrote "It is either the grammatical, literal, historical interpretation or we are adrift on an uncharted sea with every man the norm for himself."(The Prophecy of Ezekiel, p.219).
I happen to believe that Feinberg was absolutely correct. I am also convinced that there is, in our day, a great need to return to his position. The student of Scripture is compelled to admire the diligence of men like Feinberg. Their fervent pursuit of accuracy is, at the same time, both refreshing and challenging. Their passion to clearly communicate Truth serves as a charge to all who would follow in their footsteps.
I realize that most of us would say "I sure can't fill the shoes of a Feinberg, or ...." Nevertheless, all who have the responsibility of feeding the flock of God, stand in a similar position. No, we are not writing commentaries to be studied by preachers and theologians. We are, however, writing upon the hearts of those whom God has placed under our care.
Our society is rapidly changing - many times with shocking results. In the wake of such change we hear the swelling cry for a changed message and altered methods. It is here that Paul's instruction to Timothy is so fitting. The Apostle wrote to his appointee in Ephesus and exhorted Timothy to "Preach the Word." Even though the time would come when folks would not endure sound doctrine the servant of the Lord was to deliver sound doctrine. How different to the mantra of many in Christendom today!
The need of those who sit under our preaching and teaching is to hear the careful, accurate proclamation of the Word of God. God is glorified when His servants are faithful to the task of diligently studying and communicating His Word. Nothing else will do - everything else is unsatisfactory.
My fellow shepherds - "Preach the Word; be instant in season out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. ..... make full proff of thy ministry."
And to those men who through the years have done just that, providing a wonderful example for me to follow - thank you!
Hi Dennis,
Thanks for the reminder, and for your example in this matter.
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